Warehouse and logistics automation

Sector: Warehousing and logistics

Automation of logistics is not only a way to increase efficiency, but also to improve the accuracy of operations and reduce costs.

Warehouse and logistics automation

Problems you can solve with automation in warehousing and logistics


Do you often experience selling a missing product or not selling a single one due to a fictitious lack of stock?

  • Online and offline stock synchronisation: the automation of the warehouse means that every movement of goods (receipts, releases, returns) is recorded in the system. Automatically compare this data with information from the sales department to control the actual stock and sales in one place. By integrating these two departments, you will significantly reduce inconsistencies in product availability.
  • Transparent dashboard: the aggregation of data in one place allows you to create an automatic dashboard in which you can find any information in a few moments (e.g. percentage of returned goods in a given quarter of the year) thanks to dynamic filters. ‍
  • Critical event alerts: you can set up automatic notifications to keep you informed of stock status, inconsistencies and potential problems, allowing you to act quickly.

Stock inconsistencies

Does it happen that your customers receive the wrong product as they ordered? Warehouse automation comes to the rescue!

  • Automatic data flow: no more manually filling in lists or excels. If a product is ordered, the warehouse will receive automatic information, including the product's location (e.g. aisle, shelf).
  • Elimination of human errors: the combination of an ordering system with a QR/barcode scanner allows almost complete elimination of errors. An employee scanning a parcel automatically receives information on whether it is the correct product. Thanks to the use of the scanner, any parcels leaving the warehouse will be registered in the warehouse system, which significantly speeds up the process and reduces the possibility of errors.

Shipping mistakes

Do you often get errors in the sales process by fragmenting data in multiple places? Eliminate the transfer of data by email or in dozens of files at once with automation!

  • Improve company communication: automating your warehouse processes allows you to integrate all information regarding the entire process from quotation, order, release and possible return, in one place! This avoids any data discrepancies between departments in your company.‍
  • Automated analysis and conclusions: data integration allows you to create automatic dashboards to facilitate the analysis of key factors (e.g. which product is most advertised, which types of products have the highest sales, etc.). Speed up operational decision-making with automation!

Data aggregated in multiple systems at once

Manual management of transport documentation (e.g. waybills, freight invoices) is time-consuming and error-prone?

  • Automated document generation: the automation of logistics processes makes it possible to eliminate most paper documents and replace them with an electronic version. By linking a warehouse management system (WMS) to an ERP system, it is possible to automatically generate and send transport documents based on order and delivery data, eliminating the need for manual document creation.
  • Electronic document workflow: the automation of the document workflow keeps all parties involved (shippers, receivers, accounting) informed and allows them to monitor the status of documents in real time.

Transport documentation management

Managing returns and complaints takes far too much time in your company? 

  • Notification forms: if a customer completes a form, there will be an automatic aggregation of data in the database, so that all information is always up to date.
  • Automatic notifications: keep customers informed while not consuming human resources. The automation of logistical processes allows automatic emails to be sent at the selected moment of complaint processing.‍
  • Integration with the warehouse: more than one department is usually involved in the returns and complaints process. Automation ensures that data between them will be exchanged on an ongoing basis, saving staff time significantly.

Automation of returns and complaints

When processing an order, does an employee need to complete data in several systems (e.g. CRM, customer system, logistics operator system)?

  • Intuitive interface: introduce clear forms and interfaces so that the employee can complete all data conveniently. Appropriate validations and automatic checking of data relevance will significantly reduce the number of mistakes.‍
  • Automated data flow: the employee will only complete the data in one place and the automation will distribute the data to all sales, warehouse and financial systems, eliminating the need to manually enter the information several times.

Completion of the same data in multiple places

Due to a lack of integration between systems and poor interdepartmental communication, are there mistakes in your company that generate unnecessary costs (e.g. returns, re-deliveries)? 

  • Data transparency: thanks to integration between tools, data management will be possible in one place. This will make it much easier to spot errors and respond to any anomalies.
  • Analysis and prediction: the automation of warehouse processes also records the history of errors and any changes in operational data, allowing you to analyse and possibly prevent the same errors in the future.‍
  • Automatic alerts: increase the speed of staff response with automatic notifications sent to employees when errors occur.

Mistakes in the process generating unnecessary costs

Are you constantly faced with errors in customs and tax documentation in your company?

  • Elimination of errors: by automatically generating and completing customs and tax documents, you will get rid of mistakes that are easy to make when completing them manually.
  • Automatic validation: if, however, it is necessary to complete certain data manually, use the appropriate validations. In forms filled in by your employees, automatic checking of key fields will reduce the possibility of errors to almost zero. ‍
  • Speed up the process: starting the automated process early enough will completely eliminate the possibility of delay. Automating your supply chain will therefore ensure that you never incur additional costs or penalties due to a dragged-out process.

Problems with customs and tax documentation

Do you often face delivery delays or strain on the amount of resources?

  • Schedule automation: supply chain automation allows you to plan schedules that dynamically adjust based on up-to-date data on resource availability, order statuses and priorities.‍
  • Integration with calendars: synchronising delivery schedules with the calendars of logistics teams and customers ensures better organisation and coordination.

Inconsistencies in supply planning

Difficulties in tracking and optimising transport costs lead to uncontrolled increases in expenses?

  • Automatic cost reports: automation of transport processes allows transport costs to be monitored and reported on an ongoing basis, with the ability to generate detailed cost analyses for different transport types, regions, customers, etc.‍
  • Integration with ERP systems: automatic integration of cost data with ERP systems enables better management of budgets and identification of areas where savings can be made.

Lack of sufficient monitoring of transport costs

The statuses of your shipments are not updated in real time?

  • Automatic status updates: the automation of transport processes allows shipment statuses to be automatically updated in logistics and CRM systems based on data from carriers or tracking systems.
  • Synchronisation with customer service systems: automatic synchronisation of these updates with customer service systems, allows customers to be immediately informed of the status of their orders.

Delays in updating shipment statuses

Your company still manually manages transport reservations (e.g. vehicles, containers)? 

  • Automated bookings: logistics automation enables the booking of transport assets based on demand and availability, with automatic prioritisation and optimisation of resource use.‍
  • Integration with transport systems: automatic integration of booking systems with transport management systems (TMS), provides the possibility to centrally manage all bookings and resource availability.

Errors and delays through incorrect management of transport bookings

Case study: creation of warehouse documents

How has the automation of business processes in the warehouse helped to reduce errors and costs?

Case study: Generation of warehouse documents

Problems faced by our client and the solutions we implemented:

The automation of the recording of goods movements and the integration of the WMS with the sales department allowed for a significant reduction in errors and speeding up the whole process.

The company was processing all documentation manually, which caused delays and errors

Thanks to the integration of the WMS with the ERP, it was possible to introduce automatic document generation based on previously prepared templates.  

Delays in the submission of customs documentation generated additional costs

Automatic generation and checking of customs and tax documents eliminated errors in the process and thus avoided costly penalties.

Benefits for our client


Reduction of errors in shipped orders by 80%.


Reduction in document processing time by 70%.


Elimination of delays and resulting financial penalties.

Case study: Generation of warehouse documents

Implementation details:

Implementation time

3 months

Time saved

46 hrs per month

Cost of implementation

30 000 €

Return on investment after

12 months

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